There are excellent restaurants along the area where you can taste the authentic Greek cuisine, consisting of fresh fish, seafood and other dishes that will get your mouth watered.
Since the area is a developed fishing region, it isn’t uncommon to have just brought catch served in front of you.
Greek fast food awaits you, in general, at every corner. Find out why traditional Greek fast food specialties, such as gyros and souvlaki, found their way to consumers throughout the world.
During your holidays in Ouranoupoli Halkidiki you would do very well to taste the mussels from the nearby farms.
There are a couple of mussel dishes, but you should pay attention to mussel risotto and, especially, mussels saganaki.
Olive oil is perhaps the most celebrated product of Greece, and in Ouranoupoli you can find the very best authentic olive oil.
Traditionally produced, the olive oil from this area is manufactured according to very old production procedures.